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Introduction of drying method for harmless disposal of middle-energy animals

02 2024/Aug

The drying method of harmless disposal of animals is a harmless treatment method to convert animal remains into dry bones and powder, which can eliminate pathogens, reduce the impact on the environment and realize resource reuse. It is suitable for the treatment of various animal remains, and requires professional equipment and technology.

Keywords: medical waste disposal equipment, medical waste high temperature disposal equipment,

Drying method for harmless disposal of animals is an advanced method for harmless treatment of animal remains, which mainly converts animal remains into dried bones or powder through drying technology, thus eliminating pathogens, reducing the impact on the environment and avoiding threats to human and animal health.

First, the principle of animal harmless disposal drying method

The drying method of harmless disposal of animals adopts advanced drying technology, which decomposes animal remains at high temperature and high pressure to transform them into dried bones and powder. This treatment method not only eliminates pathogens, but also greatly reduces the production of organic matter, thus reducing the impact on the environment.

Second, the advantages of animal harmless disposal drying method

Elimination of pathogens: through high temperature and high pressure treatment, pathogens in animal remains can be completely eliminated, thus effectively preventing the spread of diseases.

Reduce the impact on the environment: Compared with the traditional landfill or incineration treatment methods, the animal harmless disposal drying method produces less organic matter and has less impact on the environment.

Reuse of resources: dried bones and powder can be used to make fertilizers, feed, etc., to realize the reuse of resources.

Reduce odor: After high temperature treatment, animal remains can effectively reduce odor and improve the surrounding environment.

Third, the application of animal harmless disposal drying method

The drying method of harmless disposal of animals is suitable for the treatment of various animal remains, such as pigs, cattle, sheep and other domestic animals, as well as chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry. In the treatment process, professional equipment and technology are needed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment process.

In a word, the drying method of harmless disposal of animals is an advanced method for treating animal remains, which has the advantages of eliminating pathogens, reducing the impact on the environment and reusing resources. In practice, it is necessary to select appropriate treatment methods and formulate reasonable operation procedures according to specific conditions to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment process.


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