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Wholehearted service

Technical service and warranty service plan

(a) supervision plan

1. Technical service organization

In order to ensure that the technical force to be invested in this project meets the needs of the tenderee of this project, our company plans to set up:

(1) The on-site technical service project department led by the on-site project representative and technical director.

(2) The on-site technical service project department shall have experienced technical professionals.

(3) At the same time, the on-site technical service project department has the technical personnel of the manufacturer to participate in the whole process.

(4) The housekeeping staff of the on-site technical service project department uses computers to archive the engineering data.

(5) The technical department of our company has set up a technical support team for this project relying on the technical strength of our company, which can provide technical support for the project site at any time.

2. Technical service personnel plan

1. Technical service personnel use arrangement plan

In order to ensure the normal operation of the project organization and the input of project human resources as needed, the technical department of our company has drawn up the following technical service personnel plan:

(1) Set up a technical service team of this project, led by the technical department manager and attended by technical directors and professional engineers, to be responsible for the daily technical service management.

(2) Select engineers with corresponding qualifications and rich experience in similar engineering services to undertake this engineering technical service.

(3) Project representatives shall be specially trained and qualified personnel.

(4) The service personnel related to this project, once confirmed, are not allowed to change at will. If individual needs to change due to special circumstances, it must be approved by the tenderee.

2. The project representative is equipped with

(1) Our company will earnestly perform its contractual obligations, and the project representatives sent to the site will earnestly perform the duties of the industrial representatives.

(2) In order to make the service achieve the expected results, according to the requirements of the service working procedure of the technical department of our company, the personnel allocation, organization and leadership, organization and discipline, and duty performance of the technical department of our company have formulated clear service working procedure requirements.

3. Commitment to invest in human resources

In order to ensure that the qualifications of on-site project representatives and technical personnel to be invested in this project meet the requirements and ensure the stability of personnel, our company promises as follows:

(6) The qualification of the project representative and technical director is to have the engineering performance of being the project manager or technical director of similar projects.

(7) All technical professionals should have many years' working experience in similar projects with rich experience.

(8) The technical personnel of this project shall not leave their jobs without the consent of the tenderee, so as to ensure that the technical personnel are fully engaged in the technical service of this project to ensure the high-quality and efficient completion of work tasks within the promised time.

(9) Our company promises that if the project representative and technical director who won the bid for the project are the same as those proposed in the bidding documents, and make sure to make it clear when signing the contract.

4. Service guarantee measures

The work of the technical department of our company is centered on the tenderee, following laws and regulations, meticulously organizing, continuously improving, strengthening communication and thinking about customers.

As you think, deliver the completed project results to the tenderee according to the quality and quantity. Carefully carry out technical disclosure before construction. During the construction, the general representative of the project will go to the site at any time to solve the problems encountered in the construction.

1. Put forward the design service guarantee plan.

It is the honor of every technician in our company to participate in the construction of this project. Our company is determined to collect the technology, design experience and advanced instruments and equipment formed by the company for many years, make positive progress and reflect the level in this project, and wholeheartedly provide comprehensive technical services for the tenderee.

We will adopt:

L organize the best technical personnel to form the project department of this project.

L adopt advanced computer network design management.

L application of advanced instruments and equipment for protection.

L Effectively optimize the field organization and design the path scheme.

L comply with the requirements of our company's quality management system documents, and do a good job in quality management and control of this project.

L Carefully organize and ensure that the supply schedule meets the requirements of the project schedule.

L provide all-round technical services.

The project has reached the domestic advanced level in terms of reliability, economy, automation level and operation and maintenance conditions.

Under the unified leadership of the tenderee, we will take every step in the construction process of this project, cooperate with other links, and have firm confidence to make the quality, construction period and investment control of this project reach a new level. Our company is determined to make this project into an excellent project.

2. Technical support and service guarantee measures

The quality of joint design is directly related to the safe production in the construction and operation of the project, the excellent level of investment assets and the project cost. Joint design of the project is the key link to control the quality and cost of the project. It is an objective requirement and an inevitable choice for the construction and operation of this project to focus on the optimization design, and to ensure the project safety, advanced technology and control the reasonable cost from the joint design stage. Technical service guarantee measures are to ensure the continuous optimization of joint design on the basis of implementation.

3. Joint design stage

The technical department of our company will design in strict accordance with the requirements of relevant standards, regulations and specifications. The design will follow the construction policy of "safety, reliability, economic applicability and conformity with national conditions" and take the company's core values of "serving local economic and social development". Seriously sum up and study the design ideas and methods of advanced projects inside and outside the province, update concepts, optimize schemes, and study the contents that need to be optimized, so that the research project can be in line with the advanced level inside and outside the province in terms of safety, reliability and economy, and the main technical and economic indicators of the project can reach the advanced level of domestic first-class or similar projects.

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