
Harmless Animals

  • Oil storage tank-harmless disposal equipment for animals

Oil storage tank-harmless disposal equipment for animals

Product overview:
The oil separated from the oil storage tank-animal harmless disposal equipment is transported to the heating and stirring tank (heated by steam, with the temperature controlled at 80℃-90℃) through the pipeline, and after being heated and stirred uniformly by the heating and stirring tank, it enters the horizontal centrifuge through the pipeline for heating (heated by steam), centrifugation and purification, so as to obtain the product industrial oil (this product is crude oil, which contains a small amount of water and is not further refined in the factory). In order to prevent oil from solidifying, the temperature of oil storage tank should be controlled between 40℃ and 50℃ (the heat source is steam boiler). The solid residue after centrifugation is conveyed to the material buffer bin after chemical production by the slag-returning screw conveyor and returned to the production process.

Product Introduction